The ergobag pack gym backpack, a very special companion

The ergobag doesn't just carry textbooks, notebooks and other school supplies – the set also includes a very special ergobag gym backpack for gym class or after-school sports!

Cleverly designed

The ergobag gym backpack is a very special kind of bag that keeps all your sporting gear safe and secure! The large main compartment offers enough room for t-shirts, track pants and sneakers or swim gear. The additional wet compartment is lined with raincoat material for storing bathing suits after swimming without getting everything else wet. The exterior mesh pocket offers space for an extra drink bottle. The elastic band holds the bottle securely in place and is size-adjustable to ensure kids of any age get enough to drink. Like the ergobag, the gym backpack is also customizable. The Velcro surface gives little creative minds room for a Klettie of their choice – whether it's self-designed or selected from one of our Klettie sets. Of course, the gym backpack is also the perfect companion for leisure-time sports or day trips. The wide reflective stripes ensure good visibility – even at dusk or in the early morning hours.

Look, ma, no hands!

How do you carry the ergobag and gym backpack to school and back while keeping both hands completely free? It’s simple: in just a few easy steps, the gym backpack can be clipped onto the ergobag set. This not only keeps kids' hands free on their way to school, it also keeps the heaviest weight in the most ergonomic place – i.e., as close to the back as possible.

The gym backpack is easy to attach to the ergobag set

  • Simply undo the buckles on the shoulder straps of the sports bag and tuck the straps into the corresponding pocket on the back of the gym backpack.
  • Next, undo the top buckle, pull it through the strap on the ergobag set and close the buckle.
  • Then tuck both buckles on the gym backpack into the designated openings on the left and right sides of the ergobag set.

What if kids need access to the contents of the ergobag set? No problem! Simply undo the top buckle on the handle of the ergobag set – this lets you easily flip the gym backpack over and open the ergobag set, giving you access to the contents any time. School Bag ready… steady… go!

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