Yeaaah, now we also have it on paper! ergobag does what it promises: IGR e.V has confirmed the seal of approval that Ergobag is an - "Ergonomic product"!
Whether you're looking for a fair schoolbag or an eco-friendly drinking bottle, there are plenty of options available for a sustainable start to school. He ...
Design or function? ergobag combines both! That's why we offer a range of practical accessories that match your favourite ergobag design, to complement our ...
Damit das Gewicht der Schulmaterialien optimal verteilt und der Rücken der Schulkinder geschont wird, ist die richtige Einstellung des ergobag wichtig. Wir ...
The first day at school confronts kids with completely new challenges. We grown-ups can help our children to embrace the adventure of starting school with ...
The ergobag has four WOW factors which make it the best companion for your children – and guarantee that it will remain so throughout their time at primary ...
No two children are exactly alike – especially in size and stature, differences among elementary school kids can vary widely. Fortunately, ergobag is the r ...
Alles wichtige eingepackt? Nichts im Zimmer liegen gelassen? Und wenn es anfängt zu regnen?
Damit auch der Schauer auf dem Schulweg in Zukunft kein Thema m ...
What else can the ergobag school bag do apart from accompanying the kids to school? It has its uses during vacation time too and makes a perfect vacation b ...
The chest strap and hip belt should be fastened at all times so that the weight of the backpack is optimally distributed. But how do you press this message ...
ergobag is the perfect school companion – not only does it safely hold notebooks, textbooks and other supplies, it offers a whole range of added functions.
Kinder entdecken und probieren sich täglich an Dingen aus, die neu und noch unbekannt sind. Dieses praktische Erfahren und Lernen geht einher mit ihrem nat ...