Yeaaah, now we also have it on paper! ergobag does what it promises: IGR e.V has confirmed the seal of approval that Ergobag is an - "Ergonomic product"!
The ergobag Pura stainless steel bottle has a 0.5-liter capacity and is perfect for holding a variety of thirst-quenching drinks and snacks, whether for sc ...
The materials in our school bags repel dirt – but what happens if you “forgot” about your banana from several days ago, that you left inside the bag? Can y ...
While girls are more often credited with skills in music and languages, boys are increasingly assumed to have a gifting for math, science and sport. Eviden ...
The ergobag has four WOW factors which make it the best companion for your children – and guarantee that it will remain so throughout their time at primary ...
Dass aus gespannten Zuhörern irgendwann Schulkinder werden, die mit Begeisterung lesen lernen: dafür setzen wir uns ein und sind auch in diesem Jahr wieder ...
Alles wichtige eingepackt? Nichts im Zimmer liegen gelassen? Und wenn es anfängt zu regnen?
Damit auch der Schauer auf dem Schulweg in Zukunft kein Thema m ...
What else can the ergobag school bag do apart from accompanying the kids to school? It has its uses during vacation time too and makes a perfect vacation b ...
"Sweets for my sweet..."– meant well or intended as a reward, the consumption of treats can soon become a candy trap as kids love everything which is sweet ...