Our school bags are not only ergonomic. The usability of our school companions ergobag pack, ergobag cubo, ergobag cubo light and ergobag maxi has also been tested and approved - by proven experts: The IGR is a nationwide association and works under the motto âWe strengthen your backâ. The IGR - Institute for Health and Ergonomics e.V. (IGR e.V.) - is a strong network consisting of doctors, physiotherapists, scientists, employees in occupational health management, representatives of authorities or product developers, retailers - they all deal with health and ergonomics. As an institute for health and ergonomics, the IGR supports a wide range of interest groups, conducts research, prepares studies, provides training, certifies, is a development partner and consultant, and its tests are based on the selected standards (DIN 33419 and EN ISO 15537) and the guidelines on ergonomics and occupational health and safety.
Nicht nur unsere Produkte wurden mehrfach mit dem GĂŒtesiegel des IGR ausgezeichnet: Der Verein hat uns 2020 sogar fĂŒr unsere AktivitĂ€ten im Bereich Ergonomie ausgezeichnet und wir tragen nun stolz den Innovationspreis Ergonomie!
Die Testung des IGR basiert auf einem Methodenmix: subjektive und objektive Testverfahren werden angewendet.
1. Subjektiv: Die Produkte werden anhand von Nutzungstests durch Versuchspersonen und durch EinschĂ€tzungen von Experten Ărzte, Physiotherapeuten, Biomechaniker, usw.) bewertet.
2. Objektiv: Die Druckverteilung wird durch eine sogenannte Drucksensormatte gemessen. Durch die Durcksensormatte kann die Druckverteilung des Rucksacks auf dem RĂŒcken gemessen werden. In der Matte befinden sich viele einzelne Sensoren, sodass der Druck an den unterschiedlichen Stellen des RĂŒckens abgelesen werden kann - so zum Beispiel der Druck aber die SchulterblĂ€tter oder den Lordosebereich.
Ziel ist es eine gleichmĂ€Ăige Druckverteilung zu erreichen und Druckspitzen zu vermeiden.
Warum haben wir uns fĂŒr eine Zusammenarbeit mit dem IGR entschieden?
There are many good reasons for our collaboration with the IGR: The IGR focuses on the degree to which the product adapts to physical characteristics. The IGR therefore only awards the seal of approval to products that take into account the full range of physical characteristics and therefore adapt optimally and individually to the body. In addition, the seal of approval sees itself as an advocate for people with back problems.
This has now also been positively assessed by the PrĂŒfportal Label Online and the IGR label has been recognized as particularly recommendable and demanding.
The fact that our ergobag can be adapted to the different characteristics of children's backs and individually to the respective wearer is due to its infinitely adjustable, ergonomic back system: The ergobag combines the ergonomic concept of innovative trekking backpacks with everything a school bag has to achieve and follows the principle of optimal load distribution, which has proven itself in professional mountain sports. The ergobag also grows with you - from 1 m to 1.50 m. And the IGR e.V confirms that it is extremely easy to use: adjusting the carrying system is child's play and ergobag proves to be an excellent school companion in everyday use.